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4 octombrie 2015

Cronologia Epocii de Fier în Bazinul Carpatic 2015

Muzeul Judeţului Mureş are plăcerea de a vă invita să participaţi la colocviul ştiinţific Cronologia Epocii de Fier în Bazinul Carpatic. Colocviul va avea loc în perioada 8-10 octombrie 2015 în Târgu Mureş, România. Subiectele pe marginea cărora se va discuta sunt:
- concepte cronologice
- periodizare, cronologie relativă
- metode interdisciplinare de datare
- schimbări sociale şi culturale reflectate în arheologie
- evoluţia artefactelor şi a culturii materiale
- studii de caz
- sincronizarea perioadelor
- evenimente istorice şi cronologie
- comparaţii cronologiilor teritoriale, locale şi de sit

Prezentarea orală ar trebui să se încadreze în 20 de minute şi ar trebui, pe baza dovezilor arheologice să se refere la Epoca de Fier La Tène în Bazinul Carpatic, din a doua jumătate a primului mileniu î.H. Limba oficială a colocviului este engleza. Lucrările vor fi publicate în a doua parte a anului 2016 în seria Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis – seria archaeologica, din acest motiv, versiunile scrise ale prezentărilor vor trebui depuse până în 1 decembrie 2015.
Organizatorii vor acoperi costurile cazării şi a meselor pe perioada colocviului; participanţii vor acoperi costurile transportului.
Termene limită:
- 1 mai 2015: înregistrarea participării cu titlul prezentării
- 1 august 2015: rezumatul lucrării (2000-4000 caractere)
Adresă de contact:
Muzeul Judeţean Mureş
RO-540328, Târgu Mureş, Str. Mărăşti nr. 8
Tel./Fax: (0040)265-430-021


Mureş County Museum kindly invites your participation in the scientific colloquium ‘Iron Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin’. The colloquium will take place from 8 to 10 October 2015 in Târgu Mureş, Romania. Recommended topics of discussions are:
- chronological concepts
- periodization, relative chronology
- interdisciplinary dating methods
- social and cultural changing reflected in archaeology
- evolution of artefacts and material culture
- case studies
- synchronization of periods
- historical events and chronology
- comparison of territorial, local and site chronologies

Oral contributions should be no more than 20 minutes, and should, on the basis of archaeological evidence, make reference to the La Tène Iron Age in the Carpathian Basin, during the second half of the 1st millennium BC. The official language of the colloquium is English. The papers will be published during the second half of 2016 in the series Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis – seria archaeologica, therefore written versions of the presentations will be required by 1 December 2015.

The organizers will cover the cost of accommodation and meals for the period of the colloquium; participants will be responsible for travel expenses.



Sesiunea 1, 17:00–18:40, Moderator: Dragan Božič
• Miloš Jevtić (RS) - Basarabi and Ferigile Finds on the Border between the Carpathian Basin and Central Balkans. Contribution to the Early Iron Age Chronology in Serbia
• Emilian Teleaga & Dorin Sârbu (RO) - The Chronology of the Late Hallstatt Cemeteries at the Lower Danube: Szentes Vekerzug, Ferigile, Bârseşti
• Csilla Gáti (HU) - A Chronological Framework of South-Pannonia from the Late Hallstatt Period until Middle La Tène (6th–3rd Centuries BC)
• András Jáky (HU) - Periodization of the Settlement of Balatonboglár–Berekre-dűlő in the Iron Age Discussions

Sesiunea 2, 19:00–20:15, Moderator: Mitja Guštin
• Tiberius Bader (DE) - Ein Vergleich zwischen der Chronologie für Eisenzeit im östlichen Teil des Karpatenbeckens und im süddeutschen Raum
• Prisca Bartoli (IT) - On the Chronology of Some Types of Iron Tools from the Late Iron Age
• Marko Dizdar (HR) - Middle La Tène Female Belts in the South-eastern Part of the Carpathian Basin
• Discussions


Sesiunea 3, 09:00–10:40, Moderator: Marko Dizdar
• Mitja Guštin (SI) - The Tremnik Treasure and its Value for the Celtic Chronology
• Dragan Božič (SI) - The Relative Chronology of the Late Iron Age in the Croatian–Serbian Danube Region 35 Years Later
• Ivan Drnić (HR) - Absolute and Relative Chronology of Iron Age Settlement in Sisak, Croatia
• Maciej Karwowski (AT) & Jiří Militký (CZ) - Relative and Absolute Chronology of Celtic Oberleiserberg
• Discussions

Sesiunea 4, 11:00–12:15, Moderator: Marija Ljuština
• Attila Botond Szilasi (HU) - A Celtic Graveyard in the Vicinity of Wohlsdorf (Steiermark). New Data for the Cremation and Deposition Process in the La Tène Ages (Lt B2/C1)
• Péter F. Kovács (HU) - Chronological and Typological Problems of a La Tène Settlement Section from the Hungarian Plain
• Attila Horváth M. (HU) - Problems about the Change of Periods and Rites in the La Tène Cemetery on Csepel Island (Budapest)
• Discussions

Sesiunea 5, 15:00–16:40, Moderator: Maciej Karwowski
• Marcin Rudnicki (PL) - The Chronology of the Boii Coinage
• Branislav Kovár (SK) - The Settlement of Hron, Ipeľ, Slaná, Rimava Valleys During the Late La Tène Period
• Aurel Rustoiu & Sándor Berecki (RO) - The Chronology of the La Tène Cemetery at Fântânele–Dâmbu Popii. Demographic Evolution and Social Dynamic in a Rural Community
• Malvinka Urák (RO) - The Lower Mureş During the 4th–3rd Century BC. Chronological Issues
• Discussions

Sesiunea 6, 17:00–18:40, Moderator: Miloš Jevtić
• Andreea Drăgan (RO) - Eastern La Tène Painted Pottery. Chronology and the Problem of its Late Use at Divici-Grad
• Mariana Egri (RO) - The so-called Beograd 4 Horizon in the Scordiscian Environment. Preliminary Discussion Regarding its Chronological Delimitation and Interpretation
• Marija Ljuština & Miloš Spasić (RS) - Brothers in Scissors in the Afterlife: La Tène Warrior Panoply and Chronology at Belgrade-Karaburma
• Dimitri Maynard (FR) - New Perspectives on Chronology and Social Organization: Case-study of Funeral Practices of Scordisci
• Discussions


Sesiunea 7, 09:00–10:40, Moderator: Mariana Egri
• Julij Emilov Stoyanov (BG) - What Time is it beyond the Mountains? La Tène Chronological Links in Iron Age Studies in the Eastern Balkans
• Iosif Vasile Ferencz & Cristian C. Roman (RO) - One Landscape Two Settlements in the Late Iron Age Site at Tărtăria–Pietroşiţa, Alba County
• Emilian Teleaga (RO) - Graves with Weapons from the Middle and Late La Tène Periods of the Group Padea-Panagiuriski kolonii
• Horea Pop (RO) - The Chronology of the Dacian Fortress from Şimleul Silvaniei–Observator
• Discussions

Sesiunea 8, 11:00–12:40, Moderator: Horea Pop
• Cristinel Plantos & Marius Mihai Ciută (RO) - Chronology and Significance of Some Artefacts from the Late La Tène Period, Recently Recovered in South Western Transylvania
• Dragoş Măndescu (RO) - The Chronology of the Rhodian Stamped Amphora Handles in the SouthEastern Proximity of the Carpathian Basin. A Case Study: the Late Iron Age Settlement at Cetăţeni
• Sebastian Matei (RO) - Elements for a Chronological Framework of the Dacian Fortress from Târcov, Buzău County
• Vlad Vintilă Zirra (RO) - The Compared Chronology of the Fortified Settlement from Bâzdâna – La Cetate. Old and New Data
• Discussions

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