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11 octombrie 2017

În perioada 13-15 octombrie 2017 are loc la Târgu Mureş conferinţa „Iron Age Connectivity in the Carpathian Basin”. Programul este descris mai jos şi poate fi studiat în detaliu la ACEASTĂ ADRESĂ.

Vineri, 13 Octombrie
SESIUNEA 1 (17:20–18:40 Chair: Marija Ljuština)
GRIOT Sylvie, GINOUX Nathalie, Trans-Carpathian connections in long-distance and interregional context during the Second Iron Age
KARWOWSKI Maciej, MILITKÝ Jirí, The Oberleiserberg and its cross-regional connections
RAMSL C. Peter, Interregional relations and connections in Central Europe’s Iron Age
• Discussions
SESIUNEA 2 (19:00–20:40 Chair: Marko Dizdar)
DIZDAR Marko, Reflections about some specific finds of the female costume in the South-eastern Carpathian Basin – Can we recognize female mobility in the Middle La Tène?
DRNIĆ Ivan, Iron Age settlement in Sisak (Croatia) and its position in the Iron Age communication network
MIHAJLOVIĆ Vladimir, Changing connectivity in the Late Iron Age south Pannonia
BUDAJ Marek, ČAMBAL Radoslav, KOVÁR Branislav, Late La Tène oppidum in Bratislava
• Discussions

Sâmbătă, 14 Octombrie
SESIUNEA 3 (09:00–10:40 Chair: Mitja Guštin)
TANKÓ Károly, Celts and Scythians in the Late Iron Age cemetery at Gyöngyös
HORVÁTH M. Attila, Southern connections of the Celtic cemetery in Csepel
KOVÁCS F. Péter, Traces of local interactions and regional connections in the Middle Tisza Region
BERECKI Sándor, Connected elites. Middle La Tène chariots in the Carpathian Basin
• Discussions
SESIUNEA 4 (11:00–12:40 Chair: Maciej Karwowski)
RUSTOIU Aurel, BERECKI Sándor, Silver jewellery in the early La Tène cemeteries from Banat. The hybridization of body ornaments
GEORGESCU Andrei, A warrior’s beauty? Variations of a burial custom throughout the Carpathian Basin
URÁK Malvinka, IONESCU Corina, GÁL Ágnes, Setting or following the trend? Double-lyre stamped pottery from settlement features of the Middle Mureş Valley
PUPEZĂ Paul, Between Celts, Thracians and Greeks. The cemetery from Cepari, Romania
• Discussions
SESIUNEA 5 (15:00–16:40 Chair: Peter C. Ramsl)
POP Horea, FERENCZ Vasile Iosif, La Tène mobility in the Şimleu Depression. About a Celtic grave found in Zalău, Romania
FERENCZ Vasile Iosif, Middle La Tène settlement network in south-western Transylvania
EGRI Mariana, Between contact zones and contested peripheries – meanings and functions in the eastern Carpathian Basin during the Late Iron Age
DRĂGAN Andreea, Connecting land, connecting people. The role of the Danube in the flow of objects into Dacia during the late La Tène
• Discussions
SESIUNEA 6 (17:00–18:40 Chair: Mariana Egri)
CĂSĂLEAN Catalin Adrian, Mureş valley as a route of interactions between southern Transylvania and northern Italy during the Late Iron Age
LJUŠTINA Marija, RADIŠIĆ Teodora, La Tène agricultural implements in the Vojvodina Region, Serbia: tradition and innovation
VRANIĆ Ivan, ‘Celtic’ connection in the Central Balkans during the 3rd–1st centuries BC: a case study of the site Kale-Krševica
SPÂNU Daniel, Two batches of late La Tène weapons and adornments discovered around Târgu Jiu, Romania
• Discussions