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The privilege of history, as science of human evolution, is that it operates with informations that, once discovered, even if for various reasons they are unused for a while, can’t be dismissed unless it is done on purpose. The practise of this type of ignorance deprived the Romanian people of part of their past, sometimes with the clear intention of not offending or hurt the feelings of the neighbors who had appropriated Romanian territories and/or customs. The bad luck of being positioned “in the way of all evils”, as the cronicle writer Grigore Ureche was saying, imposed, for the greater part of the last century, the historical research on a defensive position and restricted the area of this research to the necessity of defending the fundamental Romanian rights in the territory of the present boundaries of the country, and, more seriously, has accepted the instauration of a “taboo” in what concerns the historical past and the cultural and national genocide the Romanians living abroad were unwilling subjects. These realities have lead, among others, to the ignorance imposed by the higher political powers in what concerns the Romanian contribution to the history of neighboring countries.
Thus, it is a duty of Romanian historiography to restart the research of Romanian history from the premises of objective, scientific point of view. The necessity of it is more evident considering the Romanian people are still divided between two different countries, Romania and Moldova, and more groups still live in other territories as the Land of Herta, Bucovina, Bugeac, the territories between the Niester and Niper (Ukraine), east of Tisa, Voivodina, the Valley of Timoc and, in it’s southern branches, the Aromanians, Meglenoromanians, Istroromanians, Rumers - in other zones in Bulgaria, ex-Yougoslavia, Albania and Greece.
As this historical feat requires time, and after the research the work of sythesizing the information will be huge, there is a great load also on the volunteer researchers that are passionate with discovering the historical truth, to walk the path from ancient Dacia to modern Romania. The website (ENDA) is one of the representatives of these efforts, solliciting the enthusiasts to contribute not only to the deciphering of mysteries that have made the Romanian people “an enigma and a miracle”, but also to contribute with informations that can be made accesible to other researchers.
So, besides studying the pages of this website, you are invited to contribute to the development of this database, and e-mail any materials you wish to contribute to
In August 2003 the first version of this database, known as “Dacia Nemuritoare” (Immortal Dacia) was issued, in order to gather more information about the Dacian civilization. After 10 years, in 2013, (ENDA) and (DRACO) joined their resources aiming a better experience. Motivated by the more and more heated disputes between the renowned specialists of the Romanian historiography and the new wave of amateur researchers, the rivalry between these two groups having the tendency to confuse anyone who would want an objective source of information, the author thought of gathering together as many data as possible, for of the Dacians has been a lot of talk but there is still a lot to be said.
In gathering information about the Dacian civilization and culture, about the origins and further development of the Romanian people, information based on the antiquity’s and medieval sources, private studies, and extended bibliography, the author places the website in the middle between the academic researchers and the profane ones, trying to overcome the barriers imposed by both, leaving to the reader the option of choice.
This website wants to be the promotor of the new ideas and theories vs. the data obtained by systematic and rigorous research offered by the Romanian historiography. Trying to build a bridge between the people who have other occupation than a thorough research but have enough time and inclination to ask questions, and the academic media, the website Enciclopedia Dacica has as a purpose to do just that: offer information for everybody, without drawing any conclusions.
We have tried as much as possible the tracing of every material’s source, and when available, we have obtained the author’s permission. Part of the data was gathered from the internet or from various sources (publications, conferences, archives, libraries, discussion lists etc.). If you find any article of yours and consider that it has been used abusively on this website, please contact the website’s administrator and we will remove it at once. Also if you find any article, study, material that belongs to you without having any source mentioned, please contact the website’s administrator so we can fix this problem.
Terms and conditions of use of the materials of this website:
1. The user can use these materials for DOCUMENTATION without the express permission of the website’s administrator. The user agrees to not use these files for purposes that might infringe on any copyright rights, except for personal use. The user agrees that they can use these materials only for personal use and cannot copy, transmit, distribute any materials without express permision from the website’s owner.
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