| Journal of Ancient History an Archaeology Revista sub egida Institutului de Arheologie şi Istoria artei din cadrul Academiei Române şi a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca. Website: http://www.jaha.org.ro
Vol.1, No.1 (2014)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • PESCARU Adriana, FLOREA Gelu, MATEESCU Răzvan, PUPEZĂ Paul, CRISTESCU Cătălin, BODO Cristina, PESCARU Eugen, The Dacian fortress from Costeşti-Blidaru – recent archaeological research. The towers from la Vămi, Poiana lui Mihu, Platoul Faeragului
ANCIENT HISTORY • DANIEL Ciucălău, About prismatic antler pendants from Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov culture • FODOREAN Florin, Maps of Roman Dacia. I. The map of Petrus Kaerius (1571-1646) • CSABA Szabó, The map of Roman Dacia in the recent studies
NUMISMATICS • PAUNOV Evgeni I., Dies for striking republican and early imperial coins from Moesia and Thrace: ancient forgeries or something else? • GĂZDAC Cristian, LUMEZEANU Angela, Rotez – the Romanian database of ancient hoards. Moments of violence in Roman times
BOOK REVIEW • COATU Cosmin Mihail, Poleis in the Black Sea area: inter-pontic relations and local productions. the proceedings of the colloquium organized by the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology and the Iaşi branch of the Romanian Academy • STAN Marius Grigore, History of Roman coinage in Britain • URECHE Petru, Ex oriente ad Danubium; the Syrian units on the Danube frontier of the Roman Empire
Vol.1, No.2 (2014) [descarcă numărul integral (10MB)]
ANCIENT HISTORY • COJOCARU Victor, Once more about Antonia Tryphaina • MITROFAN Dragoş, The Antonine plague in Dacia and Moesia Inferior • HEKSTER Olivier, Alternatives to kinship? Tetrarchs and the difficulties of representing non-dynastic rule
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • BÂRCĂ Vitalie, Returned foot exterior chord brooches made of a single metal piece (type almgren 158) recently discovered in the Western Plain of Romania • MUSTAŢĂ Silvia, FERENCZ Iosif Vasile, DIMA Cristian, A Roman thin-cast bronze saucepan from the Dacian fortress at Ardeu (Hunedoara county, Romania)
DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY • COMES Radu, BUNA Zsolt, BADIU Ionuţ, Creation and preservation of digital cultural heritage
BOOK REVIEW • COCIŞ Horaţiu, Radu Oltean, Dacia. The Roman wars. Volume I. Sarmizegetusa • SZABÓ Csaba, Götterdarstellungen, Kult – und weihedenkmäler aus Carnuntum • BODA Imola, Rada Varga, The peregrini of Roman Dacia (106-212) • GASPAR Răzvan Bogdan, Cristian Găzdac and Franz Humer, Living by the coins. Roman life in the light of coin finds and archaeology within a residential quarter of Carnuntum • FODOREAN Florin, Z.Czajlik, A.Bödőcs (eds.), Aerial archaeology and remote sensing from the Baltic to the Adriatic. Selected papers of the annual conference of the aerial archaeology research group, 13th–15th of September 2012, Budapest, Hungary • PĂUŞAN Xenia, Antique gold and silver of Romania. Exhibition catalogue
Vol.1, No.3 (2014)
ANCIENT HISTORY • URECHE Petre, The soldiers’ morale in the roman army • CARBONELL Jordina Sales, Roman spectacles buildings as a setting for martyrdom and its consequences in the christian architecture
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • GAIU Corneliu, The beneficiarius spearhead from Arcobadara • TEODOR Eugen S., ŞTEFAN Magdalena, Landscape archaeology along Limes Transalutanus • LIUBICHEV Michail, MYZGIN Kirill, Monuments of the late Roman period – early great migration period in the Dnieper-Donets forest-steppe: main results and methodological issues • RADU Claudia, SZEREDAI Norbert, Anthropological analysis of a skeletal sample belonging to the Sarmatian population inhabiting the territory at the east of the Pannonian basin
NUMISMATICS • GĂZDAC Cristian Anton, Walking on a treasure…without knowing! A new hoard discovered in the ‘civilian’ city of Carnuntum
DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY • BUNA Zsolt, COMES Radu, BADIU Ionuţ, Parameterised database creation for construction elements of monuments
BOOK REVIEW • COCIŞ Horaţiu, Ian Haynes, Blood of the provinces. The Roman auxilia and the making of provincial society from Augustus to the Severans • GĂZDAC Cristian, Alan Bowman, Andrew Wilson (eds.), Quantifying the Roman economy. Methods and problems. • ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC Ágnes, Grazia Salmone, ‘Una’ e ‘molteplice’: la ninfa eponima di città. Iconografie monetali e semantica • COSKUN Altay, Victor Cojocaru, Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (bcospe). Vol.I: Epigraphica, numismatica, onomastica & prosopographica (= pontica et mediterranea 2), Cluj-Napoca: Mega Publisher, 2014, 560 pp. + 1 CD-ROM • MITROFAN Dragoş, Peter Drewett, Field archaeology: an introduction • PAUSAN Xenia, Hanna M. Szczepanowska, Conservation of cultural heritage: key principles and approaches
Vol.1, No.4 (2014)
ANCIENT HISTORY • EMIR Başak, Thesmophoria • HEKSTER Olivier, CLAES Liesbeth, MANDERS Erika, SLOOTJES Daniëlle, KLAASSEN Ylva, DE HAAN Nathalie, Nero’s ancestry and the construction of imperial ideology in the early empire. a methodological case study • NEMETH Eduard, The Southwestern limes of Roman Dacia and beyond - new surveys and excavations • NEWMAN Nicholas D., Bringing civilization: savagery and the taming of the savage
NUMISMATICS • STAN Marius Grigore, The phenomenon of Roman republican coinage in pre-Roman Dacia. a rexamination of the evidence • GASPAR Răzvan Bogdan, Analyzing the silver coins from Potaissa legionary fort vs. ancient town
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • GRUMEZA Lavinia, Disc brooches with anthropomorphic depiction glass intaglios in the sarmatian environment of the great hungarian plain
BOOK REVIEW • GĂZDAC Cristian, Philip Kay, Rome’s economic revolution, [Oxford studies on the roman economy], Oxford: University Press, 2014 • CSABA Szabo, Anikó Bózsa – Ádám Szabó, „Ajándék a szépnek!” a Magyar nemzeti múzeum római gyűjteményének ’ólomtükrei’ • STAN Marius Grigore, Cristian Găzdac, Franz Hummer, Eduard Pollhammer. In the shadow of the heathens’ gate. The black book of the gold coins from Carnuntum • COATU Cosmin, Ray Laurence, Roman Archaeology for historians, Routledge Publishing House • SAVU Mihaela, Paul Bahn (ed.), The history of archaeology: an introduction • BURLACU Raluca, Christopher Knüsel and Martin J. Smith (eds.), The Routledge handbook of the bioarchaeology of human conflict
Vol.2, No.1 (2015) [descarcă numărul integral]
ANCIENT HISTORY • YANKO Andrew, Game Phersu: pro et contra • CUPCEA George, The evolution of Roman frontier concept and policy • RÓŻYCKI Łukasz, Fear – elements of slavic „psychological warfare” • Dragos Mitrofan, Investigating a murder the case of the justinianic plague in Scythia Minor
ARCHEOLOGY • BÂRCĂ Vitalie, The reinterpretation of the Sarmatian finds from the Romanian plain (I) 1
NUMISMATICS • GÂZDAC Cristian Anton, HUMER Franz, KONECNY Andreas, ‘…Some of them crushed and perishing under the weight of the buildings pressing upon them’. The earthquake in Carnuntum - coin finds in archaeological context
BOOK REVIEW • RUS Gabriel, Rob Collins, Hadrian’s wall and the end of Empire. The Roman frontier in the 4th and 5th centuries • LĂZĂRESCU Vlad Andrei, Guy Halsall, Worlds of Arthur. Facts and fictions of the dark ages • COATU Cosmin Mihail, The Etruscan world
BIBLIOGRAPHIES • COCIŞ Sorin, ŢENTEA Ovidiu, MUSTAŢĂ Silvia, The bibliography of Roman Dacia IX (2006-2010) • CHARNOWSZKI Laurent, South-Eastern mediterranean lamps and their recent bibliography. From terra (quasi) incognita to lychnological researches which changed several typo-chronological and regional 'axioms'
Vol.2, No.2 (2015) [descarcă numărul integral]
ANCIENT HISTORY AMES Scott Cody, Herodian Judea: games, politics, kingship OPREANU Horaţiu Coriolan, Caracalla and Dacia. Imperial visit, a reality or only rumour? ZMUDZINSKI Mateusz, An overall approach on the Roman economy of the province of Upper Dacia
NUMISMATICS GĂZDAC Anton Cristian, Regalianvs and Dryantilla reloaded. The new evidence from Carnuntum
ARCHAEOLOGY RAMZY Nelly, The genius loci at the Great Temple of Abu Simbel: hermeneutic reading in the architectural language of Ancient Egyptian temples of Ramses II in Nubia COCIS Horaţiu, Some remarks on the Roman necropolises of Potaissa CSABA Szabo, Mithras rediscovered II. Further notes on CIMRM 1938 and 1986
DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL HISTORY BADIU Ionuţ, BUNA Zsolt, COMES Radu, Automatic generation of ancient pottery profiles using CAD software
BOOK REVIEWS COCIS Horaţiu, Karen Radner, Ancient Assyria: a very short introduction. Oxford: University Press, 2015 COATU Mihail Cosmin, Charles Gates, Ancient cities. The archaeology of urban life in the Ancient Near Est and Egypt, Greece and Rome, 2nd Edition, London, Routledge, 2011 HENT Alin, Cătălin Nicolae Popa, Simon Stoddart (eds.), Fingerprinting the Iron Age. Approaches to identity in the European Iron Age – integrating South-Eastern Europe into the debate, Oxford–Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2014, 428 PP., ISBN 978-1-78297-675-2 MUNTEANU Lucian, Cristian Găzdac, Ovidiu Oargă, Ágnes Alföldy-Găzdac, It was supposed to be silver! The scrap coin ʽhoardʼ Apulum VI [coins from Roman sites and collections of Roman coins from Romania, V/2, Mega Publishing House], Cluj-Napoca, 2015 ONIGA Maria Ioana, Peter Salway, Roman Britain: a very short introduction, Oxford University Press, 2000
Vol.2, No.3 (2015)
ANCIENT HISTORY • PERLEY Sara Margaret, We know you’re there: Roman Political Counterintelligence in the Mid-Republic • ZEHETNER Stefan, The equites legionis and the Roman cavalry
NUMISMATICS • GĂZDAC Cristian Anton, GAIU Corneliu, ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC Agnes, The pitfalls of the numismatic evidence. The auxiliary fort of Arcobadara (Ilişua, Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Romania) • KOPIJ Kamil, The use of local identities in the monetary propaganda of the Pompeians during the war with Caesar 49-48 BC
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • KRÓL Dagmara, Attempt to analyse the differences between early medieval female silver jewellery from the Southwestern and Southeastern area of Poland
BOOK REVIEW • COCIŞ Horaţiu, Tom Stevenson, Julius Caesar and the transformation of the Roman Republic. • FENECHIU Carmen, Martial, Epigrams. With parallel latin text. A new selection translated by Gideon Nisbet • NEMETH Eduard, Sorin Nemeti, finding Arcobadara. Essay on the geography and administration of Roman Dacia • RUSCU Dan, John Moorhead, the popes and the church of Rome in late Antiquity
Vol.2, No.4 (2015) [descarcă numărul integral (20MB)]
ANCIENT HISTORY • RUSCU Ligia, The office of the Protos Archon in Bithynia and Thrace • URECHE Petru, Some tactical elements for archers in the Roman army
ANCIENT PHILOLOGY • NEWMAN Nicholas D., Intertextuality in the death of a pilot: the Kubernetes Aristos in Lucian’s Verae Historiae.
NUMISMATICS • GĂZDAC Cristian Anton, ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC Agnes, When the province take care of its own coin supply. The case of the town of Drobeta in Roman Dacia • GASPAR Răzvan Bogdan, Counterfeiting Roman coins in the Roman Empire I–III A.D. Study on the Roman provinces of Dacia and Pannonia
ARCHAEOLOGY • GRUMEZA Lavinia, Settlements from the 2nd - early 5th century AD in Banat (I). State of research and the interpretation of the discoveries from Romania • TEODOR Eugen S., One hundred sherds. Chilia-Militari culture reloaded. Alexandria pottery case • SZABÓ Csaba, Karl Gooss and a temple of Jupiter in Apulum • RUS Gabriel Emanuel, Aerial archaeology in Romania. Sites from Roman Dacia examined using aerial photos
BOOK REVIEW • PĂUŞAN Xenia, Clemente Marconi (ED.), The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture • RUS Gabriel Emanuel, The Oxford handbook of Roman epigraphy • ZUGRAVU Nelu, Augusto, Res Gestae. I miei atti • GASPAR Răzvan Bogdan, Sex in Antiquity. Exploring gender and sexuality in the ancient world • GĂZDAC Cristian Anton, Ad finem Imperii Romani! Studies in honour of Coriolan H. Opreanu
Vol.3, No.1 (2016)
ANCIENT HISTORY • KRIKONA Eleni, From the ”National” to the Political Consciousness in Athens of the 6th century BCE, and the emergence of democracy • ŢENTEA Ovidiu, On the alleged ”Roman road from Lower Moldavia”
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • ALMĂJANU Andreea, OTA Radu, Notes on a statue from the collections of the National Museum of Union from Alba Iulia • OPRIŞ Ioan Carol, RAŢIU Alexandru, RAŢIU Alexandru, An early Byzantine amphorae deposit from Capidava
NUMISMATICS • CROITORU Costin, Novel coin finds in the collection of the Museum of Oltenia in Craiova
BIBLIOGRAPHIES • MARSH Matthew Gray, William Gurnee Sinnigen - 20th Century Classicist and Roman Historian: Biography & Bibliography
BOOK REVIEW • MARSH Matthew Gray, Amanda Podany, The Ancient Near East: A very short introduction • MARSH Matthew Gray, Touraj Daryaee Ed., Cyrus the Great: An ancient Iranian king • LĂZĂRESCU Vlad-Andrei, Virginia L. Campbell, The tombs of Pompeii. Organization, space, and society • NEMETH Eduard, Olivier Hekster, Emperors and ancestors. Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition
Vol.3, No.2 (2016)
ANCIENT HISTORY • ZEHETNER Stefan, CIL VIII 18065 and the ranking of centurions
ARCHEOLOGY LAUGHLIN Vivian A., The architectural patronage and political prowess of Herod the Great • ŞTEFAN Dan, ŞTEFAN Maria-Magdalena, The drones are coming. What to choose? Low and medium altitude aerial archaeology on Limes Transalutanus
BOOK REVIEW • MARTIN Adrian-Viorel, Ancient linear fortification on the Lower Danube • BODA Imola, Lavinia Grumeza, Sarmatian cemeteries from Banat (late 1st - early 5th centuries AD) • MUSTEAŢĂ Sergiu, Andrew Wilson & Miko Flohr (eds.), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman world
Vol.3, No.3 (2016)
ANCIENT HISTORY • WEAR Douglas Gregory, Alalia & the Aftermath • IARMULSCHI Vasile, Notes on the start date of the Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca Culture • VORNIC Vlad, BUBULICI Valeriu, POPOVICI Sergiu, Sarmatian necropolis from Medeleni (com. Petreşti, Ungheni District, Republic of Moldova) • THAKUR Hema, Chandravalli – an early historic settlement in Karnataka, India
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • BÂRCĂ Vitalie, A disk mirror recently discovered South the Lower Mureş • MARSH Gray Matthew, Michael F. Hendy – Byzantine historian and numismatist: biography & bibliography • IARMULSCHI Vasile, Alexandru Popa, Untersuchungen zu den römisch-barbarischen kontakten östlich der Römischen Provinz Dacia • MARTIN Viorel Adrian, Lavinia Grumeza, Sarmatian cemeteries from Banat (late 1st - early 5th centuries AD) • MARSH Gray Matthew, James W. Ermatinger. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Greenwood guides to historic events of the ancient world. • RUSCU Dan, A. Soroceanu, Niceta von Remesiana. seelsorge und kirchenpolitik im spätantiken unteren Donauraum
Vol.3, No.4 (2016)
ANCIENT HISTORY • ANDREONI Maura, Vultures: exegesis of a symbol • MORLEY Craig, Beyond the digression: Ammianus Marcellinus on the Persians
ANCIENT PHILOLOGY • ACCIARINO Damiano, The Renaissance editions of Festus: identifying Paulus Diaconus
ARCHAEOLOGY • CULIC Dan, Living among ruins: the medieval habitat in the ancient settlement of Porolissum and in its surroundings • AARAB Ali, BEHESHTI Iraj, A study on a specific type of pottery from the Elamite Era and toponymy of Zabshali
NUMISMATICS • FILOCAMO Andrea, Ancient and modern iconography in the context of monetary alliances
DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY • COMES Radu, Haptic devices and tactile experiences in museum exhibitions • NEAMŢU Călin, COMES Radu, Methodology to create digital and virtual 3D artefacts in archaeology
BOOK REVIEW • SZABÓ Csaba, Falko Daim/Kurt Gschwantler/Georg Plattner/Peter Stadler (hrsg/eds), Der goldschatz von Sânnicolau Mare (Ungarisch: Nagyszentmiklós) / The treasure of Sânnicolau Mare (Hungarian: Nagyszentmiklós) • COCIŞ Horaţiu Valentin, Review bath and bathing at Alburnus Maior (O. Ţentea)
Vol.4, No.1 (2017)
ANCIENT HISTORY • HAW George Stephen, Cinnamon, Cassia and ancient trade • KRIKONA Eleni, Plunder of temples by Seleukid kings
ARCHAEOLOGY • IARMULSCHI Vasile, Reflections on the settlements attributed to the Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca culture
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • BOUNEGRU George, VARGA Rada, Toy fragments discovered in Northern vicus of Războieni-Cetate (Alba county)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOPOGRAPHY • ŞTEFAN Magdalena Maria, SÎRBU Valeriu, ŞTEFAN Dan, Tumuli, roads and plots. Decoding the monumental funerary space of the 4th-3rd centuries BC Kallatis
NUMISMATICS • YARROW Mariah Liv, The iconographic choices of the Minucii Augurini: re-reading RRC 242 and 243 • GÂZDAC Cristian, Trajan's Column versus numismatic programme. Prototypes in the trajanic imperial ideology
BOOK REVIEW • DEAC Augustin Dan, Branislav Anđelković, Nicoleta Demian, Colecţia de antichităţi egiptene a Muzeului Banatului din Timişoara/ The Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Banat in Timişoara • URECHE Petru, John Sadler, Rosie Serdiville, Caesar’s Greatest Victory. The Battle of Alesia, 52 BC, Casemate Publishers, 2016, pp. 240, ISBN: 978-1-61200-405-1 • FLORIN Paul Chiorean, R.Varga, V.Rusus-Bolindeţ (eds.), Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces, Routhledge Publishing, 2016
Vol.4, No.2 (2017)
ANCIENT HISTORY • DE MAN Adriaan, On the meaning of city walls in Late Roman Spain
ARCHAEOLOGY • OY Harun, West Anatolian mining in Early Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC)
• ZĂGREANU Iustinian Radu, COCIŞ Horaţiu, GAIU Corneliu, VAIDA Lucian Dan, BÎCĂ Ioan, The Roman frontier in Bistriţa–Năsăud County. Part I. The repertory • CIUCĂLĂU Daniel, Two Roman dice from the Moldavian plain • TEODOR S. Eugen, ŞTEFAN Magdalena, BĂDESCU Alexandru, Systematic field survey on Limes Transalutanus. Săpata case
BOOK REVIEW • RUSCU Ligia, Victor Cojocaru, Instituţia proxeniei în spaţiul pontic / Die proxenie im schwarzmeerraum [Pontica et Mediterranea V], Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 338 P., ISBN 978-606-543-717-3. • GORINI Giovanni, The George W. La Borde collection of Roman aurei • VARGA Rada, Review: J. VELAZA (ED.), Insularity, identity and epigraphy in the Roman world, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4704-9.
Vol.4, No.3 (2017) [descarcă numărul integral (3MB)]
MANIFESTO • NEMETI Sorin, Manifesto for the Romanian public archaeology
STUDIES • YILDIRIM Ercüment, The power struggle between government officials and clergymen in the Ancient History • GAMBLE Nathan, BLOEDOW Edmund, A medical-historical examination of the death of Alexander the Great • PINDER Isobel, Form or function? Towards a typology of Augustan city walls in Roman Italy • STUMPF Alan Jonathan, On the mutilation and blinding of Byzantine emperors from the reign of Heraclius I until the fall of Constantinople
BOOK REVIEWS • BOJOWALD Stefan, Katja Lembke, Ammoniaca II, das grab des Siamun in der Oase Siwa, mit beiträgen von Heinz Felber und Jan Moje, unter mitarbeit von Michael Sohn (zeichnungen) und Mohammed Alroumi • FILIP Corina Oana, Cicero, On life and death, transl. John Davie, ed. Miriam T. Griffin, Oxford World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 2017
Vol.4, No.4 (2017)
PREHISTORY • FABBRI Giampietro, Suparsthas and Swagwautas Colonisers of the Ancient World. Part I: Origins and early migrations • GOGÂLTAN Florin, The Bronze Age multilayered settlements in the Carpathian Basin (cca.2500-1600/1500 BC). An old catalogue and some chronological problems
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL • HENŢ Alin, CIOATĂ Daniel, What`s in a name? A stamped shield-boss from Grădiştea de Munte - Sarmizegetusa Regia • OTA Radu, FLORESCU Titus Cristian, A votive altar discovered in the legionary camp of Apulum
DIGITAL AND VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY • COMES Radu, TOMPA Vasile, BODI Ştefan, NEAMŢU Călin, TÖRÖK Ferenc Károly, From theory to practice: digital reconstruction and virtual reality in archaeology
BOOK REVIEWS • VASILACHE Ştefan, Barry Cunliffe, On the ocean. The Mediterranean and the Atlantic from Prehistory to AD 1500, • GÁLL Erwin, ZSIDAI Zsuzsanna, Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu, Locuirea în Transilvania din ultimele decenii ale provinciei Dacia şi până la prăbuşirea „Imperiului” hunic (250–450) • DEAC Dan, Donald Malcolm Reid, Contesting Antiquity in Egypt. Archaeologies, museums & the struggle for identities from World War I to Nasser
Vol.5, No.1 (2018)
PREHISTORY • FABBRI Giampietro, Suparsthas and Swagwautas colonisers of the Ancient World. Part II: late migrations
ANCIENT HISTORY • AMENDOLA Luca, Mithras and the zodiac
NUMISMATICS • GASPAR Bogdan Razvan, Counterfeiting Roman silver coins in the 1ST–3RD centuries A.D. Study on Roman provinces from Middle Danube to Lower Rhine • GAZDAC Cristian, Living by the coins on the Roman frontier. The hoards and single finds evidence at the auxiliary forts in Roman Dacia
ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOPOGRAPHY • MASON Richard, The Dobrogea walls in the writings of the polish diplomats Erazm Otwinowski (1557) and Andrzej Taranowski (1569)
BOOK REVIEWS • RUSCU Ligia, Jeremy Mcinerney, Greece in the Ancient World, Thames&Hudson, London 2018, 368 p. • GASPAR Bogdan Razvan, D. Wengrow, What makes civilization? The Ancient Near East & the future of the West Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 217 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-969942-1
Vol.5, No.2 (2018)
ANCIENT HISTORY • SHAKIBA Fahimeh, The image of snake in Elam and Jiroft sites in Southwest and Southeast of Iran and its comparison with zoroastrianism • MANOV Yordanov Metodi, The hellenistic big rock human head from Bulgaria • ACCIARINO Damiano, The Renaissance nomenclature of The Fasti Consulares
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL AND REPORTS • BÂRCĂ Vitalie, Notes on the use, dating and origin of the bucket-shaped pendants from the Sarmatian environment of The Great Hungarian Plain
ANCIENT ARTEFACTS AND LEGISLATION • FLOREA Loredana, Selling culture. Legal challenges on online auctions
BOOK REVIEWS • MUSTEATA Sergiu, BEJINARU Luminiţa, Marc Barbier, l’artisanat de l’Osà l’Époque Gallo-Romaine. De l’ostéologieà l´archéologie expérimentale • SZABÓ Csaba, Ádám Szabó, domna et domnus. Contributions to the cult-history of the ’Danubian-Riders’ religion • MARSH Gray Matthew, Touraj Daryaee. Sasanian Iran (224-651 CE)
Vol.5, No.3 (2018)
ANCIENT HISTORY • BETJES Sven, HEIJNEN Sam, “The usurping princeps”: Maxentius’ image and its constantinian legacy • YILMAZATA Mehmet Mehmet, Notes on the Res Gestae and historiographical views towards the Battle of Adrianople (378 A.D.) • YARROW Mariah Liv, Markers of identity for non-elite Romans: a prolegomenon to the study of glass paste intaglios
NUMISMATICS • GĂZDAC Cristian, The coin assembly as a votive deposit in Iron Age. The case of coins in the ritual complex at the Dacian fortress of Costeşti-Cetăţuie (Hunedoara county, Romania)
DIGITAL NUMISMATICS • TOLLE Karsten, KLINGER Patricia, GAMPE Sebastian, PETER Ulrike, Semantic search based on natural language processing – a numismatic example
BOOK REVIEWS • GASPAR Bogdan Răzvan, Cristian Găzdac, Marin Neagoe, Wealthy or not in the time of turmoil? The Roman imperial hoard from Gruia in Roman Dacia (Romania) • GLIGOR Mihaela, Peter Frankopan, The silk roads. A new history of the world • FLOREA Loredana, GĂZDAC Cristian, Intangible Heritage. Editors Laurajane Smith and Nastsuko Akagawa
Sursa: http://www.jaha.org.ro, 2018 |