Revista Annales d’Université „Valahia” Târgovişte Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire apare din anul 1999, reprezentând o oportunitate pentru valorificarea cercetărilor cadrelor didactice ale catedrei de Istorie-arheologie, dar şi o şansă pentru valorificarea cercetărilor întreprinse de tinerele cadre didactice din cadrul Centrelor de cercetare acreditate CNCSIS – „Preistorie, arheologie interdisciplinară şi conservarea patrimoniului cultural mobil”. Din condiţii obiective (în special financiare), pentru menţinerea standardelor de calitate, în măsura în care s-a trecut la publicarea analelor universităţii pe secţiuni, uneori au apărut rezultatele cercetărilor efectuate de-a lungul a doi ani într-un singur volum, încercându-se totuşi să fie menţinută continuitatea apariţiei. Din anul 2008 revista apare cu două numere anuale. Tematica s-a păstrat în toate numerele apărute, domeniul istorie şi arheologie, cu acoperirea de fiecare dată a întregului palier – preistorie şi arheologie, istoria şi arheologia Evului mediu. Structura revistei s-a menţinut în forma clasică: Articole şi studii; Note şi discuţii; Recenzii. Standardele de calitate au fost asigurate de prezenta în Colectivul şi Colegiul de redacţie a celor mai reprezentative personalităţi pentru fiecare perioadă, din ţară şi străinătate, în sensul supunerii fiecărei contribuţii aprecierii prin referate de specialitate din partea membrilor colectivului şi colegiului de redacţie al revistei. Articolele şi studiile publicate în Annales d’Université „Valahia” Târgovişte Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire au fost publicate integral într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională (engleză, franceză, germană, italiană), având un impact ştiinţific permanent, în sensul că au fost adesea citate în studiile colegiilor din ţară şi străinătate. De asemenea, Annales d’Université Valahia Târgovişte Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire au fost incluse în mai multe baze de date internaţionale menţionate (Elsevier, Scopus, Copernicus, Ebsco etc.). Revista s-a remarcat prin contribuţiile extrem de originare în domeniul arheologie preistorice, ca urmare a unei şcoli recunoscute în acest domeniu, cu rezultate apreciate nu numai pe plan naţional dar şi internaţional, prin desfăşurarea unor programe de cercetare cu multe universităţi din Europa, precum cele din Liège, Bordeaux I, Aix-en-Provence, Musée de l’Homme şi Institutul de Paleontologie umană de la Paris, Universitatea Erlanger şi Köln din Germania etc. Rezultatele acestor cercetări au constituit, nu de puţine ori, subiectele unor articole găzduite de Annales d’Université „Valahia” Târgovişte Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire. Totodată, în revistă se regăsesc studiile multor colegi de la alte universităţi din ţara noastră şi străinătate. Revista este prezentă în bibliotecile multor universităţi din Europa şi S.U.A., în majoritatea universităţilor din România, precum şi în bibliotecile muzeelor de istorie, instituţii cu care s-a realizat un schimb permanent, ceea ce a dus la îmbogăţirea fondului de carte al Universităţii «Valahia» din Târgovişte.
Tomul I (6/1999) [descarcă numărul integral (19MB)]
ÉTUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, Les decouvertes anthropologiques de la Roumanie, (pag.11) • POPOVICI Dragomir, Observations about the Cucutenian (Phase A) Communities behavior regarding the Human Body I, (pag.25) • MATEI Mircea D., CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Quelques problèmes concernant la genèse et l`évolution de la vie urbaine médiévale dans les Pays Roumains, (pag.39) • MANEA Nadia, MOTOC Honorius, Le consequences d`un traite conçu a Târgovişte en 1453, (pag.62) • OPROIU Mihai, Quelques mots sur l`histoire de la cour princière de Târgovişte, (pag.66) • GEORGESCU Maria, The Princely Residence of Wallachia (the XIVth-XVIIIth centuries), (pag.76) • ERICH Agnes, OPROIU Mihai, The Târgoviştean Cultural Societies from the end of the XIXth century and the beginning of XXth century, (pag.86) • CIACHIR Nicolae, Concerning the History of the Romanian-Ottoman Political Relationship (1812-1914), (pag.89) • PATRICHE Margareta, A new Approach on the Serbian-Bulgarian War and the Peace Traty of Bucharest, (pag.97) • SBÂRNĂ Gheorghe, Problems of the Parliamentary Democracy during the first decade of the inter-wars period, (pag.102) • MILOIU Silviu, Plans and actions for the creation of a Baltic Union in the inter-wars period, (pag.109) • STANCIU Ion, American public and official attitude in political developments in Romania (1930-1939), (pag.117)
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • LASCU Cristian, The Prehistoric Cave-Bear Cultic Site Gold Cave, Transylvania, Romania, (pag.127) • OPROIU Mihai, Quelques mots sur „Le Chenal de Vieux” de Târovişte, (pag.132) • OPROIU Mihai, NIŢĂ Sorina, Note sur la présence de Ioan Bartholomeu dans le département de Dâmboviţa, (pag.136) • STATE Radu, Some considerations on the Greek influence during the XVIIth century, (pag.138) • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, La contribution materielle de la population du département de Dâmboviţa pour soutenir l`effort de guerre pour obtenir l`indépendance d`état de la Roumanie (1877-1878), (pag.142) • TEODORESCU Ion, Documents inédits concernant l`application de la Convention d`Armistice de septembre 1944 dans le département de Dâmboviţa, (pag.151) • PUŞCAŞU Violeta, Un modele de Croissance de la population rurale dans le couloir du Sereth Inferieur, (pag.155) • STATE Radu, The propaganda of the totalitarian government: Hitler-Ceauşescu, (pag.159) • ISPAS Ştefan, ANTOHE Carmen, Contribution to the knowledge of the evolution of Dâmboviţa`s agriculture, (pag.166) • BÂRLEA Gheorghe, Le role de prefixes en l`antonymie latine, (pag.171) • RUJAN Ştefania, Synonimie – possibilités d`explotation didactique, (pag.183) • RUJAN Ştefania, Les interferences lexicales et l`analyse contrastive, (pag.192)
CHRONIQUES • HOMAGE – Nicolae Ciachir, 50 Years of University Career (PATRICHE Margareta), (pag.201) • Le professeur Mircea D. Matei a 70 ans (CÂRCIUMARU Marin), (pag.204)
COMPTES RENDUS • Maria Georgescu, Icones de Târgovişte, (MÂNDRU Doina), (pag.209) • Exposé, (FLORESCU Radu), (pag.212) • Mihai Oproiu, Inscriptiones et notes du départemenet de Dâmbovitza, (FLORESCU Radu), (pag.214) • Maria Georgescu, The art of Brâncoveanu`s epoch, (CĂPRĂROIU Denis), (pag.214) • Alexandru Zub, The Calling of History. A crucial Year in post comunist Romanian, (MILOIU Silviu), (pag.217) • Wilhelm Danca, Mircea Eliade – Definitio sacri, (TEODORESCU Ion), (pag.219)
Tomurile II-III (2000-2001) [descarcă numărul integral (8MB)]
• Nota redacţiei, (pag.7) • POPOVICI Dragomir, ANGHELINU Mircea, Marin Cârciumaru at 60, (pag.8) • Liste de travailles publiés, (pag.10)
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • PATOU-MATHIS Marylène, Les Grands Mammifères de la grotte de Cioarei (Boroşteni, Roumanie): repaire de carnivores et halte de chasse, (pag.18) • BORZIAC I., CHIRICA V., Le paleolithique moyen du Dniestr au Carpates, (pag.32) • MONCEL Marie-Hélène, Le site Paléolithique de Payre dans la moyenne vallée du Rhône en France (stades isotopiques 6 et 5) Un exemple de mode de débitage discoïde, (pag.37) • OTTE Marcel, Le passage du paléolitique moyen au paléolitique supérieur en Europe Centrale et Orientale, (pag.61) • COSAC Marian, Le paléolithique supérieur ancien en Roumanie – une nouvelle définition culturelle nécessaire, (pag.70) • ANGHELINU Mircea, Méthodes de la préhistoire. La typologie lithique et ses limites, (pag.77) • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, Technique and style in the european paleolithic art, (pag.83) • POPOVICI Dragomir, Exchanges during the Eneolithic Period. Case study of the Cucuteni Culture, (pag.88) • LUCA Sabin Adrian, Neue Daten Bezüglich der Absoluten Chronologie des Frühäneolithikums aus Siebenbürgen, (pag.101) • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, DINCĂ Rodica, Paleobotanical contributions to the knowledge of economica land spiritual life of the Gumelniţa’s communities, (pag.112) • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, POPOVICI Dragomir, COSAC Marian, DINCĂ Rodica, Spectographic analysis of neo-eneolithic obsidian samples and several considerations about the obsidian supply sources, (pag.117) • SCHUSTER Cristian, Erwägungen zum Ende der Frühbronzezeit im Bukarester Raum, (pag.128) • COMŞA Alexandra, Cremation warrior burials in the Iron Ages of Romania, (pag.140) • MATEI Mircea D., Quelques problèmes concernant le recherches à l’èglise de Mirăuţi de Suceava, sur l’organisation de l’èglise moldave dans les dernières décennies du XIV-e siècle, (pag.143) • CRISTINA Irina, Bogdan the third and the so–called submission of Moldavia towards the Ottoman gate, (pag.149) • MANEA Nadia, The ecclesiastical Documents of the Bucharest National Archives, (pag.153) • GEORGESCU Maria, La décoration murale en Valachie pendant l’époque Cantacuzène-Brâncoveanu, (pag.158) • RUJAN Ştefania, Les mentalités – une histoire qui continue, (pag.171) • OPROIU Mihai, HAROMSEKEI Liliana, Deux monastères disparus: CetăŃea et Panaghia, (pag.175) • GEORGESCU Maria, Icônes grecques de Târgoviste, (pag.183) • ONCESCU Iulian, Les Roumains et la politique de la France dans le sud-est de l’Europe (1866-1870), (pag.199) • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, New informations regarding the austrian occupation of the Romanian Principalities during the Crimean War, (pag.204) • RUJAN Ştefania, Les relations franco-roumaines au XIX-ème siècle, (pag.207) • TOMULEŢ Valentin, Commerce de la Bessarabie avec l’Empire ottoman par les ports Ismail et Reni aux années ‘30 du XIX-ème siècle, (pag.214) • PATRICHE Margareta, The First World War Impact on the Bulgarian Society Evolution During the Interwar Period, (pag.220) • MILOIU Silviu, The baltic unity: between project and failure, (pag.224)
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, OPROIU Mihai, Associations musicales à Târgoviste au commencement du XX-ème siècle, (pag.233) • GEORGESCU Maria, Târgoviste - a Center of arts and culture (the XIV-XVIII-th centuries), (pag.237) • RUJAN Ştefania, Spatialité et temporalité roumaines dans l’oeuvre de Marthe Bibesco et Hélène Vacaresco, (pag.247) • ANDRONESCU Alexandria, OPROIU Mihai, La société culturelle “Târgovistea”, (pag.256) • OPROIU Mihai, La première grande fête nationale de tous les roumains: la célébration du retour de la tête de Michel le Brave au Monastère Dealu, (pag.259) • ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, OPROIU Mihai, Une donation controversée, (pag.263)
COMPTE-RENDUS • ALAIBA Ruxandra, Praehistoria, vol. I, 2000, Universitatea Miskolc, Ed. Archaeolingua Foundation & Publishing, 188 p., (pag.269)
• Norme redacţionale, (pag.272)
Tomurile IV-V (2002-2003) [descarcă numărul integral (22MB)]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, PLEŞA Mariana, Le paléolithique moyen tardif en Roumanie, (pag.9) • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, MARGARIT Monica, ANGHELINU Mircea, NIŢĂ Loredana, CÂRSTINA Ovidiu, COSAC Marian, PLEŞA Mariana, DUMITRU Florin, Les decouvertes d’art paleolithique de la valle de Bistriţa, dans le contexte de l’art mobiliere paleolithique de Roumanie, (pag.16) • ANGHELINU Mircea, Modernität, Nationale Ideologie Und Die Vorgeschichte. Erwägungen Zur Professionelisierung Der Prähistorichen Archäaologie In Rumänien, (pag.28) • ALAIBA Ruxandra, MARIN Tamilia, Le site archeologique de Deleşti-Cetăţuia, departement de Vaslui, (pag.40) • SCHUSTER Cristian, POPA Traian, Erwägungen Zu Klang Und Ton In Der Bronzezeit (I). Die Knochenflöte Von Mogoşeşti, Bezirk Giurgiu, (pag.60) • COMŞA Alexandru, The Relation Between Population Groups In The Bronze Age Or Hallstatt And Preceding Or Contemporary Ones, With Consequences Upon The Anthropological Structure Or Cephalic Index Of The Communities On The Territory Of Romania, (pag.67) • HORVATH Ildiko, Mortality Profile And Taphonomy: A Look At Huron Deer Procurement, (pag.72) • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Historiographical Considerations Concerning the Relations Between the Socio-Economic and Political Structure and the Appearance of The Urban Life in the Extra-Carpathian Territories, (pag.86) • NEACŞA Ramona, The Bishop’s Role And Place In The Occidental Urban Life From His Appearance To The Second Half Of The IIIrd Century, (pag.94) • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Das Reifen Der Grundlagen Für Die Entstehung Der Siedlungen Mit Frühstädtischen Charakter Im Rahmen Der Sozio-Politischen Gegehenheiten Im Nord-Donauischen Raum (IV-XIII Jh.), (pag.105) • DENZE Eugen, The Roumanians and the Late Crusade. From Iancu of Hunedoara to Michael the Brave, (pag.112) • GEORGESCU Maria, Generalities Regarding the Stone Sculpture in the Art of Wallachia. The 14th-18th centuries, (pag.127) • GEORGESCU Maria, Armes, armoiries et blasons de Valachie des XVe-XVIIIe siècles, (pag.138) • CRISTINA Irina, The Ottoman Expedition from 1595 and its Effects on Wallachia’s Inhabitants, (pag.147) • ONCESCU Iulian, La société roumaine à la lumière des rapports consulaires français de Bucarest et de Iassy, pendant les années antérieurs à l’union des Principautés (1856-1859), (pag.151) • ONCESCU Iulian, Laisons spirituelles roumaines-françaises (1866-1878), (pag.159) • PATRICHE Margareta, Nationalism and Historicism: the National Approach During the XIX and XX centuries, (pag.174) • RUJAN Ştefania Viorica, Quelques considérations sur les relations culturelles franco-roumaines au XX-ème siècle, (pag.181) • ŞTEFĂNESCU Alexandru, Polish-Romanian Military Relationship in the Inter-War Period, (pag.195) • MILOIU Silviu, The Winter War: Romanian Perception, 1939-1940, (pag.199) • OPROIU Mihai, ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, L’enseignement publique à Târgovişte, (pag.209) • RUJAN Ştefania Viorica, Aperçu sur l’imagologie comparée, (pag.214)
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • MANEA UDREA Florentina, Les classes sociales de l’Europe occidentale dans le Moyen Age, (pag.221) • OPROIU Mihai, ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, Târgovişte. Fin d’année, debut d’une époque, (pag.224) • MILOIU Silviu, the Baltic World as a Multicultural Space. 5th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, 5-7 june 2003, (pag.230)
COMPTE-RENDUS • Charles Tilly, Revoluţiile europene (1492-1992) – (European Revolutions – 1492-1992), Editura Polirom, 2002 (MANEA Nadia), (pag.235) • Sven Arnswald, Mathias Jopp, The Implications of the Baltic States’ eu Membership, Ulkopoliittinen Instituutti, Institut für Europäische Politik, Kauhava, 2001 (MILOIU Silviu), (pag.239)
Tomurile VI-VII (2004-2005) [descarcă numărul integral (32MB)]
• CÂRCIUMARU Marin, COSAC Marian, NIŢU Elena Cristina, Les datations C-14 et la succession culturelle de paléolithique, épipaléolithique et mésolithique de la Roumanie, (pag.7) • COSAC Marian, L’apparition du paléolithique supérieur au centre et à l’est de l’Europe – les hypothèses actuelles, (pag.44) • NIŢĂ Loredana, Technological and functional observations regarding backed implements from Poiana Cireşului, Piatra-Neamţ, (pag.53) • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, The origin and significance of paleolithic art controversies around several hypotheses, (pag.61) • IAMANDI Daniela, Some observations concerning the restoring of a large herbivore scapula (bos/bison?) discovered in the epigravettian II layer from Poiana Cireşului, Piatra Neamţ, (pag.66) • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Aspects concerning the adoption institution, from the primitive societies to the Middle Ages, (pag.70) • ŞCHIOPU Ştefan, The problem of the Romanian medieval town’s genesis in historian P.P.Panaitescu’s conceptions, (pag.77) • MATEI Mircea D., CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Quelques aspects concernant la culture materielle et spirituelle de la Valachie et de la Moldavie, dans la seconde moitie du XIV-e siecle, (pag.80) • GEORGESCU Maria, La personnalite de Michel le Brave illustree dans la peinture murale, (pag.87) • GEORGESCU Maria, The international domension of the Romanians’ anti-Ottoman fight between the 15th and the 18th century, (pag.91) • PETRESCU Iulian, Les relations du métropoliet Veniamin Costachi avec le prince régnant de la Moldavie, Mihail Sturdza, (pag.106) • COSTIN Vasile Adrian, The orthodox church and the yielding of Basarabia and Bucovina, (pag.111) • NICOLAE Costin, L’église orthodoxe de Maramureş, (pag.119) • ŞARPE Ciprian, Interna land international conditions for the establishing of the Romanian patriarchate, (pag.124) • ONCESCU Iulian, La France et la question du ”Prince Etranger” au trone de la Roumanie, (pag.131) • BĂSCEANU Ovidiu, L’industrie Roumanie entre la creation de l’etat national et la guerre d’independance (1860-1878) – orientations et conceptions, (pag.149) • ONCESCU Iulian, La reouverture de la Crise Orientale. La position de la préparation diplomatique de la Roumanie pour la proclamation de l’indépendance (1875-1877), (pag.153) • ONCESCU Laura, Interferences culturelles roumano-italiennes au XIX-ème siecle, (pag.159) • LACULICEANU Oana Gabriela, Mihael Sturdza – Romanian diplomat in Copenhagen, (pag.168) • BOGDAN Radu, un court historique des services d’emergence et les principaux cas de protection civile auxquels s’est confronte le departement de Dâmboviţa, dans la periode 1830-1916, (pag.173) • ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, La vie sociale de français au XX-ème siècle – la dèliquance juvénile, (pag.181) • ANDRONESCU Alexandrina, IACOB Felicia Mihaela, Une institution culturelle, la maison de culture, (pag.187) • BOGDAN Radu, L’institution des services de protection de la population civile dans le departement de Dâmboviţa, dans la periode d’entre les deux guerres, (pag.190) • HRENCIUC Daniel, An episode from the Romanian-Polish relationships between the two World Wars: the Romanian army contribution to setting Pocutia free, (pag.203) • STAN Liviu Al., The constitution of 1923 and the régime of religious denominations a new historical assessement, (pag.207) • MILOIU Silviu, Communization and finlandization: the status of Romania and Finland in the aftermath of World War II. A comparative study, (pag.214) • PLOPEANU Emanuel, Toward the future: United States and Soviet Union geopolitical considerations at the end of World War Two (1944-1945), (pag.229)
COMPTE-RENDUS • Daniel Hrenciuc, România şi Polonia, 1918-1931. Relaţii politice, diplomatice şi militare [România and Poland – 1918-1931. Political, diplomatic and military relations]* (MILOIU Silviu), (pag.234) • Silviu Miloiu, România şi Ţările Baltice în perioada interbelică (Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2003), (ONCESCU Iulian), (pag.237) • DOBJANSCHI Ana, Le musée lapidaire de Târgovişte – sculptures de XVe-XIXe siècles, (pag.238)
Tomurile VIII-IX (2006-2007)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [62,4kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [40,5kB] • ANGHELINU Mircea, Le Professeur Marin Carciumaru à 65 ans , (pag.5) [30,2kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • STEGUWEIT Leif, Surface analyses of archaeological objects - Some new perspectives with Laser Scanning Microscopy, (pag.8) [1,52MB] • MONCEL Marie-Hélène, Les sites à débitage de type discoïde. Comportements techniques, territoires et mobilité dans la moyenne vallée du Rhône du Pléistocène moyen au début du Pléistocène supérieur, (pag.18) [1,78MB] • NEAGA Iulia, Quelques considérations sur l’évolution des Néandertaliens, (pag.49) [949kB] • OTTE Marcel, Aspects culturels au Paléolithique moyen, (pag.63) [0,97MB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, L’évaluation de certaines considérations paléoclimatiques et chronostratigraphiques plus anciennes et leurs implications sur les interprétations paléoculturelles actuelles, (pag.74) [194kB] • NOIRET Pierre, Les industries aurignaciennes et «aurignacoïdes» en Moldavie après 30.000BP, (pag.88) [347kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, ANGHELINU Mircea, NIŢĂ Loredana, The Upper Paleolithic in the Bistri a Valley Northeastern Romania: a preliminary review, (pag.103) [1,34MB] • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, Un modele d’analyse de l’art mobilier paleolithique, (pag.121) [1,70MB] • FRÎNCULEASA Alin, NIŢĂ Loredana, Le matériel lithique taillé de l’établissement énéolithique de Malaiestii de Jos, département de Prahova. Quelques données préliminaires sur les découvertes des campagnes 2002-2005, (pag.132) [1,30MB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, About Brăila’s Beginnings, (pag.142) [87,1kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Vlad the Impaler at the Beginning of His Second Reign. Short Considerations on Some Aspects of External Politics, (pag.147) [78,5kB] • GEORGESCU Maria M., Influences baroques européennes dans l’art brancovane, (pag.151) [171kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Considerations generales concernant la technique Levallois et ses produits. Principes generaux de realisation et representations dans le Paleolithique moyen de la Roumanie, (pag.164) [5,35MB] • COSAC Marian, Une réévaluation du contexte des découvertes d’ossements humains de la galerie M de la grotte Muierilor à Baia de Fier, (pag.190) [403kB] • DUMITRU Florin, The lost art. An overview on the Romanian Palaeolithic art, (pag.198) [274kB] • MĂRGĂRIT Dan, NIŢĂ Loredana, The Palaeolithic site from Cremenea – Poienita, Covasna Department. An attempt towards a techno-typological and cultural reassessment, (pag.207) [1,13MB] • VINTILĂ Monica, Aspetti inediti dell’arte paleolitica italiana, (pag.219) [437kB] • IAMANDI Daniela, The conservation and restoration of organic material (bone, antler, and teeth) discovered in the 2006 campaign at Piatra Neamt- Poiana Ciresului, (pag.233) [657kB] • ILIE Ana, Les fortifications des habitats de la culture Gumelnita (Roumanie), (pag.243) [804kB] • ONCESCU Iulian, La France et les Principautés Roumaines pendant la guerre de Crimée (1853-1856), (pag.257) [258kB] • MILOIU Silviu, The abrupt end of a promising start: the Romanian – Finnish diplomatic relations a the beginning of the 1920’sm, (pag.276) [133kB] • LACULICEANU Oana Gabriela, Denmark's security policy during the interwar period, (pag.285) [95,4kB] • STANCIU Cezar, The Soviet Outlook on World Affairs in the Early Cold War, (pag.292) [165kB] • DRAGOMIR Elena, Détente and the events from Czechoslovakia, 1968, (pag.304) [173kB]
COMPTES RENDUS • MILOIU Silviu, Dorin Liviu-Bitfoi, Petru Groza, ultimul burghez. O biografie, (pag.317) [41,6kB] • Norme redacţionale, (pag.319) [51,8kB]
Tomul X, Numărul 1 (2008)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [94,8kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [29,9kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, MURĂTOREANU George, ŞTEFĂNESCU Radu, DUMITRAŞCU Valentin, NEAGA Iulia, La grotte Coacazei (jud.Braşov), entre les anciennes recherches et les fouilles archéologiques de 2008, (pag.7) [3,53MB] • DEMARS Pierre-Yves, Paléogéographie de l’Europe dans la première partie du Paléolithique supérieur – Premiers travaux, (pag.29) [465kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, MURĂTOREANU George, ŞTEFĂNESCU Radu, Deux nouveaux habitats sur la carte du Paléolithique de Roumanie, découverts en 2008 à Sinca Noua (département de Brasov), (pag.47) [806kB] • ANGHELINU Mircea, NIŢĂ Loredana, Leif Steguweit, Des recherches récentes dans trois des sites paléolithiques du Bassin de Ceahlau (Vallée de Bistri a, Nord-Est de la Roumanie), (pag.55) [463kB] • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, CÂRCIUMARU Marin, SORA Viorel-Aurelian, Outillages lithiques préhistoriques découvertes pendent les recherches en surface de l’année 2008 de Fundatica, commune de Fundata, département Brasov, (pag.71) [74,8kB] • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, Les perles en valves de Unio dans l’habitat énéolithique de Harsova-tell (département de Constanta), (pag.73) [448kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, The Beginnings of the First Medieval Romanian State and the International Relations during the First Half of the 14th century, (pag.79) [97kB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, On the Beginnings of the Town of Roman, (pag.89) [111kB] • GEORGESCU Maria, La loggia vénitienne - élément fondamental de l’architecture brancovane, (pag.99) [1,71MB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Considérations stratigraphiques et géochronologiques concernant le dépôt de la grotte Bordul Mare de Ohaba Ponor (Roumanie) (Regard rétrospectif et conclusions interdisciplinaires), (pag.119) [1,26MB] • IAMANDI Daniela, Des pieces uniques de la collection de la faune épigravetienne de Piatra Neamt – Poiana Ciresului, departement de Neamt. Des problemes sur leur conservation et restauration, (pag.147) [433kB] • VINTILĂ Monica, Rapporti probabili tra uomo e animale nell’arte paleolitica dell’Italia, (pag.151) [153kB] • ANA Ilie, FLORIN Dumitru, Un vase énéolithique zoomorphe inédit de la collection du Complex National Muzeal Curtea Domneasca Targoviste, (pag.157) [878kB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, On the Beginnings of Targoviste Town, (pag.165) [90,8kB]
NÉCROLOGIE • LENOIR Michele, Denise de Sonneville-Bordes (1919-2008), (pag.174) [37,7kB] • Normes de rédaction, (pag.175) [41,7kB]
Tomul X, Numărul 2 (2008)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [69,2kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [40,5kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • ŞCHIOPU Ştefan, Trade and handicrafts in the urban areas in the political circumstances of the 17th and 18th centuries, (pag.7) [105kB] • ONCESCU Iulian, Les relations roumano-françaises pendant le règne de Al.I. Cuza (1859-1866), (pag.13) [397kB] • LĂCULICEANU Oana Gabriela, The Romanian-Danish cultural bonds during the 19th century, (pag.43) [107kB] • ANGHEL Florin, The Premises of the Romanian-Polish Alliance on the Backdrop of the Military Conflict between Poland, Ukraine and Soviet Russia (1919-1921), (pag.49) [95,8kB] • DUMITRESCU Mihai Bogdan, The cultural agreement of March 1942 as a key factor in the development of the Spanish-Romanian relations, (pag.55) [101kB] • CÎRSTEA Marusia, Aspects regarding English-Romanian military relations on the verge of the Second World War, (pag.63) [84,7kB] • MILOIU Silviu, The Marshals as Key Symbols of the Romanian – Finnish Cooperation during World War II, (pag.71) [151kB] • PLOPEANU Emanuel, The Truman Doctrine (1947): official and unofficial reactions, (pag.81) [141kB] • STANCIU Cezar, Reshaping Identity through “Official Memories”. The Case of Romania during the Postwar Years of Stalinism (1948-1956), (pag.91) [142kB] • DRAGOMIR Elena, Romania’s perception of Finland’s participation in CSCE, (pag.101) [146kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • BARBU Iulia, La collectivisation sur les localités de la Vallée de la rivière Ialomitza - le département Dambovita. L’étude de cas: le village Moroeni, (pag.113) [115kB] • RUJAN Ştefania, Témoignages inédits sur la France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, (pag.121) [90,7kB] • PANAGOREŢ Ioana, Le Gaullisme, la politique européenne du général Charles de Gaulle dans le procès de la construction européenne, (pag.127) [141kB] • BOGDAN Radu, Un court historique des services d’émergence et les principaux cas de protection civile auxquels s’est confronté le département de Dambovita, dans la période 1830-1916, (pag.137) [151kB]
COMPTES RENDUS • MILOIU Silviu, Iulian Oncescu, Romania în politica externă a Franţei (1866-1878), Editura Transversal, Târgovişte, 2008, 342 p., (pag.149) [40,9kB] • Normes de rédaction, (pag.151) [52,3kB]
Tomul XI, Numărul 1 (2009)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [63,4kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [43,8kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, ŢUŢUIANU-CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, L’ocre et les récipients pour ocre de la grotte Cioarei, village Boro teni, commune Pe ti ani, dép. de Gorj, Roumanie, (pag.7) [1,13MB] • CÎRSTINA Ovidiu, NIŢĂ Loredana, Etude techno-typologique préliminaire de l’échantillon lithique du site paléolithique de Lapo , Poiana Roman (département de Prahova). Les fouilles de la Colline D¹, (pag.21) [551kB] • RĂDOESCU Livian, Les manifestations de la vie spirituelle reflétée dans la plastique anthropomorphique des communautés néo-énéolithique en Olténie et en Munténie, (pag.37) [313kB] • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, POPOVICI Dragomir Nicolae, VLAD Florin, L’exploitation du bois dans l’habitat énéolithique de Bordu ani-Popin (dép. de Ialomiţa), (pag.53) [423kB] • BĂLĂŞESCU Adrian, Ritual depositions of Sus domesticus from Poduri – Dealul Ghindaru (Cucuteni culture, Bacău County, Romania), (pag.69) [475kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Concernant l’expédition hongroise au sud de la Moldavie (1345), (pag.79) [109kB] • MATEI Mircea D., Le privilège commercial accordé aux marchands de Lvov par Alexandre le Bon (Octobre, 1408) peut-il être un repère pour les villes de la Moldavie ?, (pag.87) [128kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • ANGHELINU Mircea, NIŢĂ Loredana, La place de la pierre dans l'Âge de la pierre: la perspective de la documentation dans la recherche du Paléolithique , (pag.99) [252kB] • VINTILĂ Monica, Modalitá di abbordo dello studio del materiale duro di origine animale nella zona Portile de Fier, nella perspettiva di uno studio tecnologico microscopico, (pag.121) [76,5kB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Brief considerations concerning the beginnings of the town of Ramnic, (pag.125) [57,1kB] • ŞCHIOPU Ştefan, Moldavian Towns in the Political Context of the 17th-18th Centu - General aspects, (pag.129) [138kB] • ERICH Agnes, The Liturgy Book (1508) The first book printed in the Romanian space with patrimony value, (pag.139) [163kB] • RUJAN Ştefania, Ecrivains d’origine roumaine et d’expression française et hommes politiques français, (pag.153) [74,9kB]
COMPTES RENDUS D’OUVRAGES • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Cristian Constantin Roman, Habitatul uman în pesterile din sud-vestul Transilvaniei (L’habitat humain des grottes du sud-ouest de la Transylvanie) (Human dwellings in the caves of south-western Transylvania), Bibliotheca Brukenthal, Sibiu, 2008, 472 p. , (pag.161) [58,9kB]
HOMMAGES • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Professor Mircea D. Matei on his 80th anniversary, (pag.167) [41,7kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.169) [61,1kB]
Tomul XI, Numărul 2 (2009)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [112kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [30,8kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, ŢUŢUIANU-CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, Etude technologique, effectuée à l’aide du microscope digital VHX-600, sur un os gravé épigravettien de l’habitat de Poiana Ciresului-Piatra Neamţ, (pag.3) [714kB] • LEIŢKI Oleg, ALAIBA Ruxandra, The archaeological sites Trinca - La Sant, Cucuteni B2, Edinet District, Republic of Moldova, (pag.23) [478kB] • TOPOLEANU Florin, POPESCU Oana, TACHE Antonio, PETRIŞOR Alexandru-Ionuţ, BICA Ion, BAJENARU Oana, Management of archaeological sites in Tulcea County using an integrated geospatial system for their positioning and protection, (pag.41) [392kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Formations in Maramureş during the First Half of the 14th Century (A Few Considerations concerning the Status of the Romanian Nobility), (pag.51) [81,9kB] • DINULESCU Constanţiu, ANDRONACHE Denisa Victoria, Quelques aspects du processus d’expulsion des Juifs de l’Espagne (XIVème-XVème siècles), (pag.57) [147kB] • LEAHU Gabriel, Romania and Egypt in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, (pag.71) [96,5kB] • ONCESCU Iulian, Victor Place et l’Union des Principautés (1856-1859), (pag.79) [94,3kB] • IVĂNESCU Dumitru, Rumänien und das europäische Modell der Organisierung in der Zeit des Fürsten Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859-1866), (pag.87) [100kB] • MILOIU Silviu, Mindsets and perceptions across Europe: Karl Gustaf Idman’s portray of Romanian corruption in the 1930s, (pag.95) [81,2kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • PREOTEASA Constantin, Considerations d’ordre demographique et social concernant le complexe culturel Precucuteni – Cucuteni – Tripolye, (pag.105) [151kB] • GEORGESCU Maria, Influences occidentales dans l’orfèvrerie brancovane, (pag.119) [667kB] • NEGRĂU Elisabeta, Political Decay and Cultural Achievements: The Politics of Cultural Patronage During the Phanariot Administration of the Romanian Principalities, (pag.131) [87,1kB] • ONCESCU Laura, Aspects of the economic relations between Romania and Italy (1879-1914), (pag.137) [110kB] • LEAHU Gabriel, The origins of African nationalism: E.W.Blyden, (pag.147) [181kB] • ŞTEFĂNESCU Alexandru V., The military potential of small countries: Austria before World War II, (pag.163) [70,7kB] • IONESCU Magdalena, Les Juifs de Roumanie lors de l’installation du Communisme, (pag.169) [62,8kB] • PANAGOREŢ Ioana, The collaborators of Charles de Gaulle at the Matignon and Elysee, (pag.175) [95,1kB]
COMPTES RENDUS D’OUVRAGES • ONCESCU Iulian, Florin Anghel, Construirea sistemului “Cordon Sanitaire”. Relaţii româno-polone, 1919-1926 / The Construction of the “Cordon Sanitaire” (“Quarantine Line”) System. Romanian-Polish Relations, 1919-1926, ed. a II-a, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2008, 316 p., (pag.183) [45,2kB] • CEOBANU Adrian-Bogdan, Veniamin Ciobanu, Problema orientală (1856-1923), Editura Junimea, Iaşi, 2009, 259 p., (pag.187) [65,5kB]
• Norme de redactare, (pag.191) [42kB]
Tomul XII, Numărul 1 (2010)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [67kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [25kB]
ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES • ROSINA Perluigi, CURA Sara, Interpretation of lithic remains in fluvial terrace contexts: an example from Central Portugal, (pag.7) [708kB] • BĂLĂŞESCU Adrian, VILA Emmanuelle, RADU Valentin, BADALYAN Ruben, CHATAIGNER Christine, Production animale et économie de subsistance au Néolithique dans la plaine de l'Ararat (Arménie), (pag.25) [221kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, Contributions à la connaissance de l'art pariétal préhistorique de Roumanie, (pag.39) [5,3MB] • MÃRUIA Liviu, MICLE Dorel, CÎNTAR Adrian, BÃLOS Angelica, PESCARU Adriana, STAVIL Andrei, BOLCU Lavinia, „Mãgura” Uroiului (Hunedoara County, Romania). An Archaeological Site from the perspective of Landscape Archaeology, (pag.85) [425kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Negru Vodã reflected in several less known historiographic sources from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, (pag.97) [70kB] • PETRICÃ Florin Gabriel, La cour princière et la ville dans la Moldavie médiévale. La recherche de l’espace social, (pag.101) [118kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • RÃDOESCU Livian, Quelques considerations sur la plastique anthropomorphe de la culture Vãdastra, (pag.111) [254kB] • FRÎNCULEASA Alin, MÃRGÃRIT Monica, POPA Ioan Elek, About the organic material industry from the Gumelniţa settlement Seciu - Prahova District, (pag.123) [373kB] • MICLE Dorel, MÃRUIA Liviu, CÎNTAR Adrian, BOZU Ovidiu, NEMETH Eduard, STAVILÃ Andrei, BOLCU Lavinia, Non-invasive archaeological research in the Roman Castrum from Vãrãdia, „Rovinã” (Caraş-Severin County). A topographic and geophysical study, (pag.139) [596kB] • GONTHIER Erik, GONTHIER Ida, ZIVKOVIC Anera, Analyses lithoacoustiques de concrétions stalactitiques en milieux endokarstiques et périkarstiques à Java Est et en Dordogne, (pag.155) [378kB] • IAMANDI Daniela, De l’empirisme à la restauration scientifique, (pag.175) [346kB] • CÂRCIUMAU Marin, DOBRESCU Roxana, Recherches sur le terrain et sondages archéologiques dans la Vallée du Sighiştel, commune de Câmpani, département de Bihor, (pag.185) [82kB] • ANDRONIC Mugur, Étude de cas: L’évolution de l’habitat humain préhistorique dans le bassin hidrographique de la rivière Ilişeşti, (pag.191) [218kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.199) [43kB]
Tomul XII, Numărul 2 (2010)
• College de redaction, (pag.2) [151,4kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [24,4kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • MARIE-HÉLÈNE Moncel, L’Abri des Pêcheurs (Ardèche, sud-est France). Des occupations néandertaliennes dans une «grotte en forme de fissure», (pag.7) [3,1MB] • MICLE Dorel, MĂRUIA Liviu, TÖRÖK-OANCE Marcel, LAZAROVICI Gheorghe, LAZAROVICI MANTU Cornelia-Magda, CÎNTAR Adrian, Archaeological geomorphometry and geomorphography. Case study on Cucuteni-an sites from Ruginoasta and Scânteia, Iaşi County, Romania, (pag.23) [3,6MB] • SZTANCS Diana-Maria, LUCA Sabin Adrian, BELDIMAN Corneliu, The database of prehistoric bone and antler industry from Transylvania, Romania: some remarks about the Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” site, (pag.39) [1MB] • BERZOVAN Alexandru, PĂDUREANU Eugen D., A clay pot with tamga signs discovered at Şiria (Arad county), (pag.57) [707,6kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, The Romanian extra-Carpathian area after the moment of the great Mongol invasion of 1241-1242. The premises of the politico-territorial unification, (pag.67) [70,1kB] • PETRICĂ Florin Gabriel, Three medieval stove tiles from the Princiary Court of Târgovişte, (pag.73) [782,1kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Quelques considérations techno-typologiques sur un nombre de découvertes paléolithiques isolées des départements de Sibiu et Hunedoara, (pag.81) [366,4kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, DOBRESCU Roxana, ŢUŢUIANU-CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Nouvelles considérations sur les découvertes de Ţibrinu (départment de Constanţa), (pag.87) [889kB] • SEGLIE Dario, Prehistoric art: meta-language and landscape, (pag.109) [153,7kB] • MĂRGĂRIT Monica, L’art mobilier paléolithique et mésolithique de Roumanie et de la République Moldova - connexions culturelles avec l'Europe Centrale et Orientale, (pag.117) [1,3MB] • TÖRÖK-OANCE Marcel, MICLE Dorel, Digital terrain analysis as a tool for the identification of possible areas with rural post – Roman archaeological sites in the S-W Dacia, (pag.139) [835kB]
NÉCROLOGUE • CHIRICA Vasile, Hommage à un bon ami et collègue, (pag.151) [88,3kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.157) [40,4kB]
Tomul XIII, Numărul 1 (2011)
• College de redaction [44kB] • Sommaire [30,5kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • CHARRIÉ Armelle, CONNAN Jacques, BASTIEN Claire, Molecular data: Clues to trace the origin of archaeological organic materials, (pag.7) [1MB] • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, TULUGEA Claudiu Aurel, Nouvelles considérations concernant l'industrie lithique taileé du Néolithique anciene (culture Starčevo-Criş) de l'établissement de Copăcelu Valea-Răii (départament de Vâlcea Roumanie), (pag.25) [8,6MB] • SHUSTER Christian, Gedanken zu einigen bronzezeitlichen Tei Metallobjekte aus dem Bezirk Giurgiu, Rumänien, (pag.55) [311,4kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, The relations between Hungary and the principality on the right side of the Olt River during the second half of the 13th century. Brief observations, (pag.63) [118,6kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • OTTE Marcel, Arts et pensées au le Paléolithique supérieur européen, (pag.73) [686,7kB] • NEAMŢU Călin, POPESCU Daniela, MATEESCU Răzvan, From classical to 3D archaeology, (pag.79) [4,8MB]
COMPTES RENDUS D'OUVRAGES • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, The prehistory of Banat (Editors-in-chief Nikola Tasic and Florin Drasovean), The Palaeolithique and Mesolithic edited by Florin Drasovean and Borislav Jovanovic), EA The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest 2011, 245 p., 77 fig., ISBN:978-973-27-2057-8, (pag.91) [851,4kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.121) [40,7kB]
Tomul XIII, Numărul 2 (2011)
• College de redaction [89,1kB] • Sommaire [24,3kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • RINGER Árpád, Paleolithic chert mines on the Avas Hill in Bükk Mountains, Nord-East Hungary, (pag.7) [426,6kB] • SORIANO Sylvain, POLLAROLO Luca, Le site de Millon (Malay-le-Petit, Yonne, France). Du Gravettien récent dans la vallée de la Vanne?, (pag.13) [3,4MB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, ŢUŢUIANU-CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, Le sifflet gravettien de Poiana Cireşului-Piatra Neamţ (Roumanie) [19.459± 96 B.P. (23.24 ka) – 20.154 ± 97 B.P. (24.096 ka)], (pag.41) [3,2MB] • BELDIMAN Corneliu, ELEFTERESCU Dan, SZTANCS Diana-Maria, La microscopie del’ancienne technologie: enclumes en os et en bois de cerf découvertes à Ostrov-Durostorum, dép. de Constanţa, Roumanie, (pag.59) [4,9MB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Of Mircea the Elder’s Rule. Historiographic Views on the so-called Battle of “Rovine” and its Consequences, (pag.77) [186,2kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • RĂDOESCU Constantin-Livian, Hypostases et gestes religieux de la Grande Déesse identifiés dans l’art anthropomorphe néo-énéolithique du nord du Danube, (pag.83) [1,3MB] • COMŞA Alexandra, Some consideration regarding the “package” burials in the necropolises belonging to the Monteoru Culture, (pag.99) [2,3MB] • PĂDUREAN D. Eugen, An iron belt-buckle from the Late Iron Age discovered in Arad – Aurel Vlaicu Boulevard, (pag.111) [3,2MB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, The Genesis of Outer Carpathian Romanian Medieval Towns according to Nicolae Iorga, (pag.115) [177,4kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.121) [41kB]
Tomul XIV, Numărul 1 (2012)
• College de redaction [88,7kB] • Sommaire
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • MESTER Zsolt, Exploitation du quartzite à la station du Paléolithique moyen Érd (Hongrie), (pag.7) [682kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, TUTUIANU-CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, The Oldest Snail (Lithoglyphus naticoides) necklace discovered in Romania in the Gravettian III stratum of Poiana Ciresului-Piatra Neamt [25.760±160 –27.321±234 B.P. (31.969 ka)], (pag.1.7MB] • BELDIMAN Corneliu, ALEXANDRU-BĂRBAT Ioan, MARIA-SZTANCS Diana, Bone and antler artefacts dated from Early Neolithic discovered recently in South- Western Transylvania, Romania, (pag.43) [1,5MB] • FRÂNCULEASA Alin, Eneolithic zoomorphic vessels from Wallachian Subcarpathians, (pag.59) [1,2MB] • BELDIMAN Cornel, The Dacian red deer antler sleeve discovered at Unip, Timis County, (pag.73) [1,7MB] CÂRCIUMARU Radu, A candidate to the Walachian throne. Vlad Ţepeş and his exile in Moldavia (1449-1452)
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • ANTAL Adriana, Funerary Venus cult in Roman Dacia, (pag.93) [720kB] • BARBU Marius-Gheorghe, Data Regarding the Experimental Manufacture of Roman Objects Made of Domestic Herbivores Horns, (pag.105) [929kB] • Norme de redactare [160kB] • Certification [445kB]
Tomul XIV, Numărul 2 (2012)
• College de redaction [89kB] • Sommaire [25kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • BELDIMAN Corneliu, Upper Paleolithic Osseous Materials Artefacts from Piatra Neamţ – Poiana Cireşului. 2010-2011 Excavation Campaigns, (pag.7) [3,1MB] • FRÂNCULEASA Alin, STIHI Claudia, Vitreous Beads Found at the Bronze Age Cemetery from Câmpina (Prahova), (pag.17) [3,7MB] • STAVILĂ Andrei, The pottery from the Bronze Age settlement of Timişoara – “Fratelia”. A general statistical approach, (pag.29) [957kB] • MUJA Cristina, A Case of Metastatic Carcinoma from XIIth – XIIIth Century Transylvania, Romania, (pag.47) [3,4MB] • OLTEANU Gheorghe, NĂSTASE Mihai Claudiu, The wooden churches of Dâmboviţa County. Archaeological and historical considerations, (pag.55) [4,2MB] • DĂNEASĂ Cristina Maria, Wooden Church from Tarnavita, Hunedoara County, (pag.67) [469kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • ROGOZEA Octavian, REMUS Dinca, Considerations on the discovery of a Bronze Age stone ax in the karst basin of Ciclova (Oraviţa Town, Caraş-Severin County), (pag.75) [529kB] • PUPEZĂ Luca-Paul, To see or to be seen. The Dacian fortresses from the Orăştie Mountains, (pag.81) [169kB] • BERZOVAN Alexandru, TOMA Claudiu, 3D reconstruction of ancient pottery using drawn profiles. A case study: reconstructing a Dacian fruit bowl, (pag.87) [515kB] • MĂRCULEŢ Vasile, Considerations concernant la fin du pouvoir des Petchenegues du Bas-Danube, (pag.93) [262kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.105) [41kB] • Certification, (pag.114) [186kB]
Tomul XV, Numărul 1 (2013)
• College de redaction [90kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [24kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, Interprétations symboliques et traits spirituels de l’art mobilier du Paléolithique Supérieur - Roumanie, (pag.7) [1,4MB] • SCHUSTER Cristian, POPA Traian, Zu einem Metallgegenstand der frühbronzezeitlichen Glina-Kultur. Die Meißel von Mironeşti, (pag.29) [599kB] • BELDIMAN Corneliu, STĂNICĂ Aurel Daniel, SZTANCS Diana-Maria, Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts, (pag.37) [1,4MB] • SĂCĂRIN Caius, BERZOVAN Alexandru, BORANGIC Cătălin, A fort at the edge of the Empire. Observations enabled by the discovery of two curved weapons at the Dacian fortress of Divici, (pag.55) [1,5MB] • BOGDAN Matei Cosmin, Monetary deposit found in building XI of the Military Vicus at Tibiscvm (Jupa), Caraş-Severin County, (pag.77) [311kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, The Reign of Teodosie and the 1521 Fights for the Wallachian Throne Short Considerations, (pag.83) [187kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • RĂDOESCU Constantin-Livian, Sur le caractère cultuel des représentations plastiques néo-énéolithiques de l’espace carpato-danubien, (pag.91) [816kB] • PĂTROI Cătălin-Nicolae, About the Sălcuţa eneolithic culture, (pag.117) [1,2MB] • PĂDUREAN Eugen, A possible attack direction used by the Roman army during the Dacian Wars, (pag.141) [1,7MB] • CÎNTAR Adrian, Trigonometric method used to correct local coordinates topographic surveys, applied for archaeology, (pag.155) [403kB] • Norme de redactare • Certification
Tomul XV, Numărul 2 (2013)
• College de redaction [90kB] • Sommaire, (pag.3) [38kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • BELDIMAN Corneliu, SZTANCS Diana-Maria, ILIE Costel, Aeneolithic osseous materials artefacts discovered in Southern Moldova. The DanubiOs Project, (pag.7) [2,1MB] • SCHUSTER Cristian, MECU Laurenţiu, GAVRILĂ Elena, Gedanken zu den Krummessern der Bronzezeit in Muntenien und Oltenien (Glina-, Tei- und Verbicioara-Kultur), (pag.29) [643kB] • COSAC Marian, MURĂTOREANU George, RADU Alexandru, ION Rodica, Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic Tools from the Early Bronze Age in the region of the curvature Subcarpathians, (pag.41) [624kB] • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Notes on the Hungarian expansion East of Carpathians in the mid XIVth century, (pag.51) [105kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • KIM Alexander, Who began the wars between the Jin and Song Empires? (based on materials used in Jurchen studies in Russia), (pag.59) [152kB] • TULUGEA Claudiu Aurel, Fouilles archéologiques préventives à l’église en bois Saint Nicolas du village Angheleşti, la commune de Pietrari, département de Vâlcea, (pag.67) [280kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.71) [51kB] • Certification, (pag.78) [230kB]
Tomul XVI, Numărul 1 (2014)
• Colegiul de redacţie [108kB] • Cuprins [35kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • SAVA Victor, IGNAT Ana, Acquiring significance. Constructing warrior's identity at the Lower Mureş Valley, (pag.7) [3,9MB] • ANTAL Adriana, Venus Cult in the inscriptions from Dacia, (pag.37) [4,4MB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Les prémisses de l’unification politique-territoriale dans l’aire roumaine située au sud et à l’est des Carpates après la grande invasion mongole des années 1240-1241. Brèves comparaisons théoriques, (pag.47) [255kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • TĂNASE Raul-Constantin, The positive representation of the diplomatic Byzantine ceremonial in the Western chronicles of the first four Crusades, (pag.57) [220kB] • KIM Alexander Alexeyvich, The problem of understanding of the political status of Bohai state, (pag.63) [305kB] • TUŢULESCU Ion, TULUGEA Claudiu Aurel, TERTECI Carol, Note sur la recherche archéologique de Proieni, (pag.71) [326kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.79) [54kB] • Certifications, (pag.86) [230kB]
Tomul XVI, Numărul 2 (2014)
• Colegiul de redacţie [108kB] • Cuprins [40kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • VĂLEANU Mădălin-Cornel, BEJENARU Luminiţa, COVALENCO Serghei, TENTIUC Ion, BURLACU Vitalie, LĂCĂTUŞU Codrin, Preliminary data on the child’s tomb discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova) , (pag.7) [12MB] • PREOTEASA Constantin, Caractéristiques de l'environnement des Sous-Carpates de la Moldavie durant de l'évolution de la culture Cucuteni, (pag.17) [878kB] • MICLE Dorel, STAVILĂ Andrei, Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Non-invasive research results , (pag.33) [661KB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • PETRICĂ Florin Gabriel, NĂSTASE Mihai Claudiu, An uncommon archaeological discovery: an incised blueprint of a church on a brick from Prince Brâncoveanu’s architectural complex of Potlogi , (pag.47) [399kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.53) [54kB] • Certifications pour inclure Annales d'Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d'Arhéologie et d'Histoire dans une série de bases de données, (pag.60) [229kB]
Tomul XVII, Numărul 1 (2015)
• Colegiul de redacţie [108kB] • Cuprins [39kB]
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • VĂLEANU Mădălin-Cornel, The occurrence of flint in the North-East Romania in the context of local prehistoric habitation, (pag.7) [10,2MB] • DOMSKY Maxim, Germania Romana: The political evolution on the periphery of the expanding Roman world, (pag.51) [203kB] • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, A l’ombre du Saint Empire. Quelques aspects de la politique de Michel Le Brave pendant ses derniers mois de vie, (pag.57) [241kB]
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • RUMEGA-IRIMUŞ Vlad, Recent perspectives upon a neglected category of heritage. The Roman mining in the „Golden Quadrilateral”, (pag.65) [11MB] • KIM Alexander Alexeevich, The problem of interpretation of war between the Tang Empire and Bohai in period 732-735, (pag.81) [343kB] • Norme de redactare, (pag.91) [54kB] • Certifications pour inclure annales d'université Valahia Târgovişte, section d'arhéologie et d'histoire dans une série de bases de données
Tomul XVII, Numărul 2 (2015)
• Colegiul de redacţie • Cuprins
ARTICLES ET ETUDES • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, NICOLAE Adrian, LUPU Florin Ionuţ, DINCĂ Remus, Contributions to understanding the Neanderthals symbolism. Examples from the middle Paleolithic in Romania, (pag.7-31) • NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Some observations on the supposed natural origin of the Divje Babe I flute, (pag.33-44)
NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS • NICOLAE Adrian, The middle Paleolithic anthropological discoveries in the 19th century, (pag.47-55) • DINCĂ Remus, Historiography of the Upper Paleolithic research on Bistriţa Valley (North-Eastern Romania), (pag.57-68) • COCONEŢU Ion, Du diocese de Severin du diocese de Râmnicul - Le nouveau de Severin, (pag.69-78)
• Norme de redactare, (pag.79-81) • Certifications pour inclure Annales d'Université Valahia Târgovişte, section d'arhéologie et d'histoire dans une série de bases de données, (pag.86-91)
Tomul XVIII, Numărul 1 (2016)
• Colegiul de redacţie • Editorial board • Cuprins • Table of contents
ARTICLES ET ETUDES / ARTICLES AND STUDIES • RADOESCU Constantin-Livian, With regard to the geometrical motifs with antropomorphic semantics identified in the neo-eneolithic visual creation on the territory of Romania. I. The point and the line • IVANOV Aleksandrovich Vladimir, The specifics of the “animal style” in the decorative and applied art of the forest Kama and Ural population in the early Iron Epoch • CÂRCIUMARU Radu, Basarab I at the beginnings of Wallachia. An attempt to recompose the moment of his takeover of power • KIM Alexeevich Alexander, Bohai (Parhae) studies in the Soviet Union at 1980s • TIRON Tudor-Radu, The traditional architecture of Pietroşiţa (Dâmboviţa county, Romania) – an overview
• Norme de redactare • Printing norms • Certifications pour inclure Annales d'Université Valahia Târgovişte, Section d'arhéologie et d'histoire dans une série de bases de données
Tomul XVIII, Numărul 2 (2016)
• Colegiul de redacţie • Editorial board • Cuprins • Table of contents
ARTICOLE ŞI STUDII • RĂDOESCU Constantin-Livian, One observations on the corporeality reflected in Prehistoric visual culture • CĂPRĂROIU Denis, Chronology and numismatic inferences of the first musatin stone fortresses • GEORGESCU Maria, The international dimension of the Romanians’ anti-ottoman fight between the 15th and the 18th century
NOTE ŞI DISCUŢII • BARTI Tihamér, NIŢU Elena-Cristina, Theories and ideas ahead of their time: Márton Roska and the Paleolithic archeology in Romania
• Norme de redactare • Printing norms • Certifications pour inclure Annales d'Université Valahia Targoviste, section d'arhéologie et d'histoire dans une série de bases de données
Tomul XIX (2017)
• Colegiul de redacţie • Cuprins
ARTICOLE ŞI STUDII • LBOVA Lyudmila, Technological features of decorated ivory artifacts in the „classic” collection from the Mal’ta site (Siberia, Upper Paleolithic), (pag.7) • VĂLEANU Mădălin-Cornel, Evolution of human habitat in the Carpathian Dniester area during Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic, (pag.19) • CÂRCIUMARU Marin, NIŢTU Elena-Cristina, MICLĂUŞ Crina, ION Rodica-Mariana, CÎRSTINA Ovidiu, LUPU Ionuţ Florin, LEU Marian, VĂLEANU Mădălin-Cornel, NICOLAE Adrian, GRIGORE Stelian, Amber deposits in Romania, with particular emphasis on those located on the Eastern side of the Carpathians (bibliographical considerations and a few field investigations), (pag.33) • UTALIEV A. Msaken, Production and use specifics of carved decorations in the architecture of Medieval Khwarezm (XIII-XIV centuries AD), (pag.57)
NOTE ŞI DISCUŢII • CĂPIŢĂ Carol, Anthropology and archaeology: the 100 years war?, (pag.69) • NEAGOE Claudiu, Mercenaries of German origin in the armies of Moldavia and Wallachia in the 17th-18th centuries: dragons called dragani or nemti, (pag.77) • CÂRCIUMARU Minodora, CÂRCIUMARU Radu, I.D.Petrescu and the romantic historiographical perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages, (pag.81) • Norme de redactare • Certifications pour inclure Annales D'Université Valahia Târgovişte, section d'arhéologie et d'histoire dans une série de bases de données |